• Timelapse/Hyperlapse • Newspaper/Blogs •
• Directions • Country/Animal Parks • Agriculture •
• Architecture • FPV • Ground Photography •
Our Drones are currently the quietest and least invasive in production with the photographic capabilities we have so they are minimally invasive to any wildlife, customers or the day-to-day running of your business.
They say a photograph is worth a thousand words, in that case, an Aerial Photograph must be worth well over 10,000!... Your articles will greatly benefit...
We can record a flight from the nearest main road or recognizable place so all of those 'where exactly are you?' phone calls and emails will be a thing of the past.
Livestock, we've got you covered too of course!
Whether it's a wandering sheep, the calf that got out or a rebellious pig - Our drones can cover fields in less than a minute to find the little or big escapee!
Are your livestock getting out for a reason? Whilst we're up there, we'll scope out your fencing for any obvious routes they've taken.